We are 10 minutes away from a fish hatchery and one Saturday just after Fall has officially settled, we decided to go for a walk. This fishery is inside the forest. Originally, we decided to hike to the base of the dam which is about half an hour's worth of walk from where we were. the weather cannot decide whether it was going to rain or shine. When the weather is like that inside the forest, hiking is like an unconquestable feat and so we decided to watch the people fishing in the river instead.
This is the greatest wonder for me. Why of all whys this kind of fish start from this same river when they are still juveniles. They are released in fall and they swim towards the ocean. After about four years in the ocean, they come back to die, yes in the same river where they originated and yes, before fall. They jump against the flow of the water.
What I meant by the wheather not able to decide whether it was going to rain or not.
Where we are, you allowed to fish. You need to have a permit to fish but you are only allowed 4 pcs of salmon per day. Beyond the bridge where you can see 2 people canoeing, fishing is no longer allowed.
We are lucky to live in a place like this. There are so many things you can do reagardless of what kind of wheather you have on that day.